Saturday, March 10, 2007


Welcome to my sports blog. As the title states, I dream in Chi when it comes to sports. The conglomeration of colors on the page represents the teams I support. While we are on the topic, here are the teams...

  • The Bulls - I have always loved the Bulls. Not only did I grow up in the Chicago area, but it was during the Jordan era... it was over. I remember going to games in 92 and 93 and watching games from the 92 series against the Lakers. I did not forsake them during the dark ages of Jabba the Krause's reign. I understand he did a decent during the Jordan years, but he destroyed the team... he made it explode... he told Phil "I don't care if you win 82 games, your F***ing gone" or something like that. I couldn't be happier when Pax and Skiles took over. I never lost my devotion, but in recent years I have fallen for the Bulls in a new way.
  • The White Sox - I have always been a White Sox fan. My father was a Sox fan, my fathers father was a Sox fan. Some of my earliest memories as a child involve spots. I remember going to a game at old Comiskey Park when I was 4, the year before it was torn down. I have always loved the Sox. However, please note that I am a White Sox fan. I do not like the cubs, in fact, I despise/highly-dislike the cubs. I do not cheer for them, I am not Bi-soxual. I do not wish harm on their players, because I am not vicious like that. However, I will not support them in any way. Now that we got that out of the way we can move on.
  • The Bears - Again, another example of my love for Chicago sports. I have pictures of me watching the Bears in the 85 Super bowl with my dad. Awesome. They said I was captivated and actually watched large portions of the game. More Awesome. I care bout this team, don't get me wrong, but it is going to be a while before I can talk about them again...
  • The Notre Dame Fighting Irish - OK, so I know that this isn't a Chicago team, but this is my College team. Why? Well it started like this... my grandparents are Notre Dame freaks. Ever since I was in junior high I have been going to games or practice games. I have been to so many games and I didn't have a college team I rooted for, or a team in the area (and my alum doesn't even have sports), so as hated as ND may be they are my team.
As much as I enjoy my teams I am a fan of sports in general. As a result, this site will look at my home teams, but also at any other topics in sports that intrigue me. If you have gotten this far, thanks for reading, leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

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